We’re standing up for the independent worker

We believe too many companies have lost their way. They promised us everything; good money, flexibility, autonomy, and the ability to make meaningful things, but something else happened. They told us we were valuable, but only when it benefitted them. They asked us to be curious and innovative, but only when it matched their own beliefs.

We believe you deserve something better.

Your ability to make good money and have the services you need should not come at the cost of balance, flexibility, and meaning in your life.

As independent workers ourselves, we believe you should have the same access to knowledge, support, community, and know-how as the big companies. We believe that having this support increases the odds you can thrive while working for yourself.

Bite-Sized Lessons for Solopreneurs from Soloprenuers

Practical tips to help you get and keep paying clients through straightforward and concise lessons on the most useful tools.

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